
Here the list of scientific papers and books that have been published by the members of the NRGlab. A complete overview of scientific and professional publications, presentations and other academic output can be found via the links provided at the bottom of the page. If you cannot access the full text of any publication relevant to you, please contact the first author for a copy.

Scientific papers (newest on top)

Agrivoltaics and landscape change: First evidence from built cases in the Netherlands, Sirnik, I.; Oudes, D.; Stremke, S.(2024) Land Use Policy, 140, 107099; DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107099

Landscape user experiences of interspace and overhead agrivoltaics: A comparative analysis of two novel types of solar landscapes in the Netherlands, Biró-Varga, K.; Sirnik, I.; Stremke, S.(2024) Energy Research & Social Science, 9, 103408; DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2023.103408

Revealing the power of landscape in mitigating the climate crisis, Stremke, S.; Oudes, D.; Picchi P. (2023) Digital Landscape Architecture journal, 8, 2-12; DOI: 10.14627/537740001

Seeing is believing, experiencing is knowing: The influence of a co-designed prototype solar power plant on local acceptance, Enserink, M.; Van Etteger, R.; Stremke, S. (2023) Solar Energy, 262, 111739; DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2023.05.016

Beyond landscape experience: A systematic literature review on the concept of spatial quality in flood‐risk management, Bakx, M.; Stremke, S.; Lenzholzer, S. (2023) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, forthcoming; DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1669

Regional strategy, municipality plans and site designs for energy transition in Amsterdam: How sustainable are implementation processes on different spatial levels? Picchi, P.; Oudes, D.; Stremke, S. (2023) Sustainability journal, 15(7), 5876; DOI: 10.3390/su15075876

Performance of urban climate-responsive design interventions in combining climate adaptation and mitigation, Daniel, R.; Cortesāo, J.; Steeneveld, G.J.; Stremke, S.; Lenzholzer, S. (2023) Building and Environment, 236, 110227; DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110227

Circularity and landscape experience of agrivoltaics: A systematic review of literature and built systems, Sirnik, I.; Sluijsmans, J.; Oudes, D.; Stremke, S. (2023) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 178, 113250; DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2023.113250

Towards a typology of solar energy landscapes: Mixed-production, nature based and landscape inclusive solar power transitions, Oudes, D.; van den Brink, A.; Stremke, S. (2022) Energy Research & Social Science, 91, 102742; DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102742

To support or oppose renewable energy projects? A systematic literature review on the factors influencing landscape design and social acceptance, Enserink, M.; Van Etteger, R.; van den Brink, A.; Stremke, S. (2022) Energy Research & Social Science, 91, 102740, DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102740

Next generation solar power plants? A comparative analysis of frontrunner solar landscapes in Europe, Oudes, D.; Stremke, S. (2021) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145, 111101, DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2021.111101

Evolution of energy landscapes: A regional case study in the Western Netherlands, de Jong, J.; Stremke, S. (2020) Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(11), DOI: 10.3390/su12114554

Climate adaptation, urban regeneration and brownfield reclamation: a literature review on landscape quality in large-scale transformation projects, Oudes, D.; Stremke, S. (2020) Landscape Research, 45(7), 905-919; DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2020.1736995

A systematic review of factors influencing spatiotemporal variability in urban water and energy consumption, Voskamp, I.; Sutton, N.; Stremke, S.; Rijnaarts, H. (2020) Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120310

Can urban metabolism models advance green infrastructure planning? Insights from ecosystem services research, Perrotti, D.; Stremke, S. (2020) Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47(4), 678-694; DOI: 10.1177/2399808318797131

Practices in transition: A comparison of how Dutch and French landscape architects contribute to energy transition, Pistoni, R.; Stremke, S. (2019) Landschap (Dutch and English version available), 36(4), 240–245

Research through design for energy transition: Two case studies in Germany and The Netherlands, Stremke, S.; Schoebel, S. (2019) Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 8(1), 16–33, DOI: 10.1108/SASBE-02-2018-0010

Advancing the relationship between renewable energy and ecosystem services for landscape planning and design: A literature review, Picchi, P.; Van Lierop, M.; Geneletti, D.; Stremke, S. (2019) Ecosystem Services, 35, 241–259, DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2017.09.030

Energy landscapes in a crowded world: A first typology of origins and expressions, Pasqualetti, M.; Stremke, S. (2018) Energy Research & Social Science (special issue), 36, 94-105, DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2017.09.030

Spatial transition analysis: Spatially explicit and evidence-based targets for sustainable energy transition at the local and regional scale, Oudes, D.; Stremke, S. (2018) Landscape and Urban Planning, 169, 1-11; DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.07.018

Space-time information analysis for resource-conscious urban planning and design: A stakeholder based identification of urban metabolism data gaps, Voskamp, I.M. ; Spiller, M.; Stremke, S.; Bregt, A.; Vreugdenhil, C.; Rijnaarts, H.H.M. (2018) Resources, Conservation & Recycling (special issue), 128, 516-525, DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.08.026

Does information on the interdependence of climate adaptation measures stimulate collaboration? A case study analysis, Vos, C.; Van der Wal, M; Opdam, P.; Coninx, I.; Dewulf, A.; Steingröver, E.; Stremke, S. (2018) Regional Environmental Change, 18(7), 2033-2045 DOI:

Enhanced performance of the Eurostat method for comprehensive assessment of the Urban Metabolism: A material flow analysis of Amsterdam, Voskamp, I.M. ; Stremke, S. ; Spiller, M. ; Perrotti, D. ; Van Der Hoek, J.P. ; Rijnaarts, H.H.M. (2017) Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(4) 887-902; DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12461

Sustainable energy landscape: Implementing energy transition in the physical realm Stremke, S. (2015) Encyclopedia of Environmental Management. Taylor and Francis: New York, Published online: 18 Aug 2015, 1-9, DOI: 10.1081/E-EEM-120053717

Incorporating renewable energy science in regional landscape design: Results from a competition in The Netherlands De Waal, R. ; Stremke, S. ; Van Hoorn, A. ; Duchhart, I. ; Van den Brink, A. (2015) Sustainability (special issue: Landscape and Sustainability), 7(5), 4806-4828, DOI: 10.3390/su7054806

Energy transition: Missed opportunities and emerging challenges for landscape planning and designing De Waal, R. ; Stremke, S. (2014) Sustainability, 6(7), 4386-4415, DOI: 10.3390/su6074386

Integrated visions (part II): Envisioning sustainable energy landscapes Stremke, S. ; Koh, J. ; Neven, C.T. ; Boekel, A. (2012) European Planning Studies, 20(4), 609-626, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2012.665617

Integrated visions (Part I): Methodological framework for long-term regional design Stremke, S. ; Kann, F.M.G. van; Koh, J. (2012) European Planning Studies, 20(2), 305-320, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2012.650909

Urban planning for a renewable energy future: Methodological challenges and opportunities from a design perspective Vandevijvere, H. ; Stremke, S. (2012) Sustainability, 4(6), 1309-1328. DOI:10.3390/su4061309

Energy potential mapping for energy-producing neighborhoods Dobbelsteen, A. van den; Broersma, S. ; Stremke, S. (2011) International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 2(2), 170-176, DOI: 10.5390/SUSB.2011.2.2.170

Landscape machines: productive nature and the future sublime Roncken, P.A. ; Stremke, S. ; Paulissen, M.P.C.P. (2011) Journal of Landscape Architecture, 6(1), 6-19.

Integration of ecological and thermodynamic concepts in the design of sustainable energy landscapes Stremke, S. ; Koh, J. (2011) Landscape Journal, 30(2), 194-213, DOI: 10.3368/lj.30.2.194

Exergy landscapes: Exploration of second-law thinking towards sustainable landscape design Stremke, S. ; Dobbelsteen, A. van den; Koh, J. (2011) International Journal of Exergy, 8(2), 148-174, DOI: 10.1504/IJEX.2011.038516

Ecological concepts and strategies with relevance to energy-conscious spatial planning and design Stremke, S. ; Koh, J. (2010) Environment and Planning B, 37(3), 518-532, DOI: 10.1068/b35076


Book publications and contributions (newest on top)

Power of Landscape: Novel Narratives to Engage with the Energy Transition

Authors: Sven Stremke, Dirk Oudes, Paolo Picchi
Contributors: Martin J. Pasqualetti, Andrea Carolina Cardoso and Emma Banks, Elizabeth Monoian and Robert Ferry, Jolanda de Jong, Jannemarie de Jonge, Lara Voerman, Dan van der Horst and Kate Sherren
nai010 publishers, Rotterdam, 2022
ISBN: 978-94-6208-716-3

Ruimtelijke Verkenning Energie en Klimaat

Contributors: Taco Kuijers, Boris Hocks, Rens Wijnakker, Eric Frijters, Jasper Hugtenburg, Joppe Veul, Dirk Sijmons, Marco Vermeulen, Bram Willemse, Sven Stremke, Dirk Oudes, Brechtje Van Boxmeer
Generation Energy, Den Hague, 2018
ISBN: 978-90-828256-0-2

Energie & Ruimte: Een Nationaal Perspectief 

Contributors: Dirk Sijmons, Eric Frijters, Rens Wijnakker, Jasper Hugteburg, Joppe Veul, Sven Stremke, Jolanda De Jong, Boris Hocks, Taco Kuijers, Marco Vermeulen, Paul Gerretsen
Vereniging Deltametropool, Den Hague, 2017

Sustainable Energy Landscapes: Designing, Planning and Development

Book editors: Sven Stremke & Andy van den Dobbelsteen
CRC/Taylor & Francis group, Boca Raton, 2013
For an extensive book review published in the Landscape Research Journal click here. For book summary, table of content and additional reviews click here.

Publications Sven Stremke

Publications Renée de Waal

Publications Ilse Voskamp

Publications Dirk Oudes