Presentation at SASBE conference in Pretoria/South Africa

Posted by on December 17, 2015 in Conference, Homepage, Presentations, Project, Travel

From 9 till 11 December NRGlab researcher Ilse Voskamp attended the Smart and Sustainable Built Environment conference (SASBE) in Pretoria, South Africa. There she presented selected results of the Urban Pulse research project (2014 -2015), one of the three kick-start projects of the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS). In her SASBE presentation, Ilse discussed what information on resource flows is needed by utility providers, urban planners and designers in Amsterdam in order to implement interventions making Amsterdam a more circular city.

Reference conference paper: Voskamp, Stremke, Spiller, Van den Brink, Rijnaarts, 2015. Data qualifications and data availability for resource flow analysis in support of urban planning: Amsterdam’s energy metabolism, SASBE 2015, Pretoria, South Africa.