Urban Metabolism workshop @ AMS

Urban Metabolism workshop @ AMS

On the 20th of May, an Urban Metabolism workshop was held at AMS institute in Amsterdam, organized by the research groups Environmental Technology (Wageningen UR) and Environmental Technology and Design (TU Delft). The goal was bringing together design sciences and sustainability technology for sharing research results, strategies and questions on Urban Metabolism as a common ground. The workshop sessions provided the opportunity of getting...

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New member NRGlab: Daniela Perrotti

New member NRGlab: Daniela Perrotti

In March 2015, Daniela Perrotti joined the NRGlab at Wageningen University as visiting fellow with a senior grant from the Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research (WIMEK). In the next three months, she will prepare a research proposal connected to the URBAN PULSE project and provide guest lectures within the Landscape Architecture and Planning program at Wageningen University. She will also collaborate in Master thesis...

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Interview on urban metabolism in ESG yearbook 2014

Interview on urban metabolism in ESG yearbook 2014

The 2014 ESG yearbook features an interview with Sven Stremke on the current research and design activities related to the Urban Metabolism of the city of Amsterdam. The text can be accessed here, including references to the new AMS institute, the URBAN PULSE research project and the NZK+ BSc thesis studio....

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New member NRGlab: Roberta Pistoni

New member NRGlab: Roberta Pistoni

In March 2015, Roberta Pistoni joined the NRGlab at Wageningen University for a two-month academic internship. She will work in the URBAN PULSE project team, foscusing on the energy metabolism of the city of Amsterdam. Roberta graduated in Architecture at the Technical University of Milano in 2013. During her master thesis entitled ‘I paesaggi dell’energia’ she conducted research and designed a set of Italian energy...

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U.S. ambassador meets Master students

U.S. ambassador meets Master students

The U.S. ambassador – Timothy Broas – and other members of the American embassy in The Hague visited Wageningen UR on the 8th of December. They were introduced to major research topics and selected projects. Landscape Architecture students Tom van Heeswijk and Changsoon Choi had been invited to prepare a poster and present their minor MSc thesis to the visitors. Their thesis on the urban (energy) metabolism is closely related to the...

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