Peer-reviewed book chapter published: Co-designing energy landscapes

Peer-reviewed book chapter published: Co-designing energy landscapes

The Handbook on the Geographies of Energy edited by Barry Solomon & Kirby Calvert (Elgar Press) featuring a chapter co-authored by Sven Stremke and Paolo Picchi has been published. Our chapter ‘Co-designing energy landscapes: Application of participatory mapping and Geographic Information Systems in the exploration of low carbon futures’ presents the results of the DEESD project on renewable energy and ecosystem services. The...

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Visit geothermal energy landscape in central Italy

Visit geothermal energy landscape in central Italy

In July, Sven took his family to visit several geothermal energy plants in Southern Tuscany. According to local media, these plants have caused quite some discussion but were constructed eventually. Following the nuclear power referedums in 1987, Italians invested in renewable energy technologies. Central Italy is now known for its vast PV fields and many geothermal energy plants. Below photographs have been taken near the city of Piancastagnaio...

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