Landscape Atelier ‘Cultivating Energies’ at 2021 Uniscape conference in Florence

Landscape Atelier ‘Cultivating Energies’ at 2021 Uniscape conference in Florence

Landscape atelier Cultivating Energies: The High Density Energy Landscape research group (HDEL) of the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture and the chaire Paysage et Énergie at the École nationale supérieure de paysage Versailles (ENSP) together organize a so-called landscape atelier in Florence. The atelier entitled “Cultivating energies” is part of the 2021 Uniscape Conference and set in the magnificent Bardini gardens. The conference will...

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Presentation Florence University: 2015 Open Session on Landscape

Presentation Florence University: 2015 Open Session on Landscape

Tuesday the 17th of March, Sven Stremke and Paolo Picchi from the NRGlab will provide a series of lecture at Florence University. They will contribute to the 2015 Open Session on Landscape conference hosted by the Landscape Architecture PhD program of Florence University. The lectures will feature published materials such as a series of case studies on existing renewable energy landscapes, the Five-Step Approach and a conceptual framework for...

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8 May NRGlab guest lecture: ‘Visualizing Conceptual Frameworks’ by Silvia Minichino MSc from Florence University

8 May NRGlab guest lecture: ‘Visualizing Conceptual Frameworks’ by Silvia Minichino MSc from Florence University

Silvia Minichino MSc is a phd candidate in landscape architecture from Florence University, Italy. She visits Wageningen from January till July this year and her research focusus on possible links between renewable energy policies and landscape design. The lecture is embedded in the Wageningen University BSc thesis course but open to a wider public.   Event: NRGlab guest lecture by Silvia Minichino MSc Date: Wednesday 8th of May...

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Landscape integration in energy policy: Is it a practicable hypothesis?

Landscape integration in energy policy: Is it a practicable hypothesis?

Landscape integration in energy policy: Is it a practicable hypothesis? Recently, Silvia’s short paper, ‘Landscape integration in energy policy: Is it a  practicable hypothesis?’ was published online in I Quaderni di Careggi Issue 02, by UNISCAPE, the European network of Universities for the implementation of European Landscape Convention. This publication has been published in the proceedings of the Second Careggi Seminar, held in 2012...

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New research fellow NRGlab: Silvia Minichino

New research fellow NRGlab: Silvia Minichino

In January 2013, Silvia Minichino has joined the NRGlab and moved to Wageningen for a period of 6 months. In the coming months, Silvia will collaborate with the other members of the NRGlab and her colleagues from the Landscape Architecture chair group at Wageningen University. Apart from reserach, Silvia will write on her PhD thesis and joint publications as well as contribute to student education. Silvia Minichino is a PhD candidate in...

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