Presentation at Landschapscafé Energielandschappen

Presentation at Landschapscafé Energielandschappen

Thursday the 12th of December, Sven Stremke will give an invited presentation at the Landschapscafé Energielandschappen hosted by Ingeborg Thoral, special adviser for spatial quality in the province of Utrecht, the Netherlands. The afternoon will focus on sustainable energy transition in general, and on the effects of this transition on the landscapes in particular. The detailed program for the event can be found below. Please note that all...

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Tuesday 21 May is the new date for NRGlab guest lecture with Prof.dr. Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann

Tuesday 21 May is the new date for NRGlab guest lecture with Prof.dr. Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann

We are happy to announce that the NRGlab guest lecture with Prof.dr. Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann is rescheduled for Tuesday 21 May. He is Professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space at the Technical University Munich, Germany. During his talk he will address one of his core research interests: renewable energy and landscape aesthetics. The lecture is embedded in the Wageningen University BSc thesis course but open to a wider...

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2 May NRGlab guest lecture: ‘Renewable Energy and Landscape Aesthetics’ by Prof.Dr. Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann (TU Munich)

2 May NRGlab guest lecture: ‘Renewable Energy and Landscape Aesthetics’ by Prof.Dr. Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann (TU Munich)

We are happy to announce the next NRGlab guest lecture at May 2 by Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann. He is Professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space at the Technical University Munich, Germany. During his talk he will address one of his core research interests: renewable energy and landscape aesthetics. The lecture is embedded in the Wageningen University BSc thesis course but open to a wider public. Again, study...

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