New project Sustainable Transport-corridor Betuwe (DTB)

Posted by on March 3, 2013 in Design, Homepage, Project

The Province of Gelderland has initiated the Duurzame Transportcorridor Betuwe (DTB) project to investigate the potentials for energy savings and renewable energy provision in the Betuwe transport corridor (1st and 2nd step trias energetica). The Betuwe corridor streches from East to West Gelderland and comprises the freeway A15, the Betuwe railroad and the area between the two rivers Nederijn and Waal (see map below).

The NRGlab has been asked to apply the five-step approach (Stremke, 2010) to analyse the existing landscapes, infrastructure, energy systems and renewable energy potentials before envisioning a number of regional energy landscapes that can help to realize the Province’s ambitions with regard to energy savings and renewable energy provision. In this project, the NRGlab will closely collaborate with DLG Region East and WING in Wageningen.


Figure: Spatial extent of the DTB project (March 2013)


Figure: Work session on the DTB project with Dirk Oudes, Mark Obbink and Maurice Wenker (April 2013)