Environmental design in energy transition: article published on online platform Archined

Posted by on October 3, 2019 in Homepage, Publications

Recently, an article by Dirk Oudes and Sven Stremke was featured on Dutch independent architecture platform Archined (in Dutch). Archined aims to advance and disseminate knowledge of and the debate on urbanism, architecture and landscape architecture. Both designers from practice and academia publish on this platform.

The article is titled ‘Energietransitie: gebrek aan ruimte vraagt om ontwerpers’ (Energy transition: a lack of spaces demands designers). It discusses energy landscapes, the role of environmental designers and that of local stakeholders. Entries of a extensive design competition, called ‘Energielandschap van de Toekomst’ (Energy landscape of the Future) are used to address these themes.

First of all, the article concludes that environmental designers are increasingly comfortable to work with the topic of energy transition. Secondly, most entries focus on multifunctional solutions, combining energy transition targets with other issues, such as climate adaptation and circular economy. The energy transition might be an opportunity for Dutch environmental design to further develop this niche of multifunctional design. Finally, the article stresses the need for efforts by environmental designers and others to not just understand the physical landscape, but also the social landscape. The impact of energy transition will move beyond ‘landscape integration’ towards ‘landscape transformation’. To ensure local stakeholders are not alienated from their landscape, a thorough understanding of social relations constructing the landscape is needed.
