Spatial research energy & climate: Ruimtelijke verkenning energie en klimaat
The book ‘Ruimtelijke Verkenning Energie en Klimaat’ featuring research of the NRGlab has been published. The book is a result of the ‘Energie en Ruimte’ project that was conducted by Posad, FABRICations, H+N+S, Dirk Sijmons, Studio Marco Vermeulen, Ruimtevolk and the NRGlab/Wageningen University (2017-2018). In this project, the researchers from the National Perspective Energy & Space team advanced their spatial studies with particular focus upon the so-called funcionalities: Energy savings, high temperature heat, electricity, low temperature heat, transport & mobility, food and nature. This project had been commissioned by the national ministries of Economic Affairs (EZ), Infrastructure and Environment (IenM) and Interior Affairs (BZK). A PDF of the book can be accessed here.
Reference details book chapter
S. Stremke and D.Oudes (2018), Hoge Temperatur Warmte (book chapter), In: Klimaat-Energie-Ruimte: Ruimtelijke Verkenning Energie en Klimaat, (Eds.) Taco Kuijers et al. pp.34-53, ISBN: 978-90-828256-0-2