Spatial research energy & climate: Ruimtelijke verkenning energie en klimaat

Posted by on April 9, 2018 in Homepage, Project, Publications

The book ‘Ruimtelijke Verkenning Energie en Klimaat’ featuring research of the NRGlab has been published. The book is a result of the ‘Energie en Ruimte’ project that was conducted by Posad, FABRICations, H+N+S, Dirk Sijmons, Studio Marco Vermeulen, Ruimtevolk and the NRGlab/Wageningen University (2017-2018). In this project, the researchers from the National Perspective Energy & Space team advanced their spatial studies with particular focus upon the so-called funcionalities: Energy savings, high temperature heat, electricity, low temperature heat, transport & mobility, food and nature. This project had been commissioned by the national ministries of Economic Affairs (EZ), Infrastructure and Environment (IenM) and Interior Affairs (BZK). A PDF of the book can be accessed here.

Reference details book chapter
S. Stremke and D.Oudes (2018), Hoge Temperatur Warmte (book chapter), In: Klimaat-Energie-Ruimte: Ruimtelijke Verkenning Energie en Klimaat, (Eds.) Taco Kuijers et al. pp.34-53, ISBN: 978-90-828256-0-2

